The official journal of
EUROPAD - European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association
WFTOD - World Federation for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence
Editor: Icro Maremmani, MD - Pisa, Italy, EU
Associate Editors:
Thomas Clausen, MD - Oslo, Norway
Pier Paolo Pani, MD - Cagliari, Italy, EU
Marta Torrens, MD - Barcelona, Spain, EU
Statistical Editor:
Mario Miccoli, PhD - Pisa, Italy, EU

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2005 Issues


Vol. 07 • Na. 1 • March 2005

In this issue:

  • Buprenorphine induction and stabilisation in the treatment of opiate dependence
    Doran C., Holmes J., Ladewig D., Ling W.
  • Clinical significance of electroencephalographic abnormalities in heroin addicts: Systematic review
    Polunina A. G., Davydov D. M., Briun E. A.
  • Alcohol abuse in heroin addicts: An unfolding metabolic destiny
    Pacini M., Mellini A., Attilia M. L., Ceccanti M., Maremmani I.
  • Symptomatic treatment of opiate withdrawal syndrome by low-dose buprenorphine in an in-patient setting
    Fuscone A., Correale M., Romualdo M., Bianchi W.
  • Open letter to physicians and other health care providers facing pain management during opioid agonist therapy with methadone
    Payte J. T.



Vol. 07 • Na. 2 • June 2005

In this issue:

  • Methadone maintenance treatment and mood disturbances: Pharmacological and psychological implications
    Dyer K. R.
  • Long-term treatment for patients with severe mental illness and substance abuse
    Blix O., Eek U.
  • Good practice, good results. Maintenance treatment outcomes in France
    Coppel A.
  • The endogenous cannabinoid system: Physiological modulation of neuronal activity
    Marsicano G.
  • Substitution treatment in European prisons. A study of policies and practices of substitution treatment in prison in 18 European countries
    Hennebel L. C., Stöver
  • Medical meaning of psychosocial issues of heroin addiction
    Pacini M., Maremmani I.



Vol. 07 • Na. 3 • September 2005

In this issue:

  • Psychotherapy for patients in methadone treatment
    Bignamini E., Zazza S.
  • Buprenorphine high-dose, broad spectrum, long-term treatment: A new clinical approach to opiate alkaloid dependency
    Di Petta G., Leonardi C.
  • Correlation between high methadone dose and methadone blood level in methadone maintenance treatment patients
    Peles E., Bodner G., Adelson M.
  • Addictive disorders, bipolar spectrum and the impulsive link: The psychopathology of a self-regenerating pathway
    Maremmani I., Pacini M., Perugi G.
  • Bridging the preclinical - clinical gap
    Nutt D. J., Lingford-Hughes A., Daglish M., Williams T., Taylor L., Wilson S., Davies S., Melichar J., Myles J.
  • Mortality and retention of drug users in GP Shared Care in Glasgow
    Gilhooly T.
  • Working with the patient for optimal treatment outcomes in UK General Practice
    Ford C., Oliver J., Whitehead B.



Vol. 07 • Na. 4 • December 2005

In this issue:

  • Addiction and Pregnancy
    Finnegan L., Amass L., Jones H., Kaltenbach K.
  • Primary care physicians and addiction treatment in Germany. Decentralization and take-home policy
    Ulmer A.
  • Psychopathological disorders in heroin addicts and administration of risperidone during rehabilitation
    Kozlov A. A., Dorovskih I. V., Doljanskaia N. A., Buzina T. S., Polunina A. G.
  • Methadone reduces the need for antipsychotic and antimanic agents in heroin addicts hospitalized for manic and/or acute psychotic episodes
    Pacini M., Maremmani I.
  • Methadone serum concentration and its relationship to methadone dose revisited
    Okruhlica L., Valentova J., Devinsky F., Formakova S., Klempova D.
  • Medical and social factors determining early poly-drug dependence
    Chernobrovkina T. V., Igor A. Nikiforov I. A.



EUROPAD - European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association
Brussels, Belgium, EU
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